You can’t predict what a myth is going to be anymore than you can predict what you’re going to dream tonight. Myths and dreams come from the same place. They come from realizations of some kind, that have then to find expression in symbolic form. The only myth that’s going to be worth thinking about in the immediate future is one that’s telling about the planet. Not this city, not these people, but the planet, and everybody on it. That’s my main thought for what the future myth is going to be. And what it will have to deal with will be exactly what all myths have dealt with. The maturation of the individual, the gradual, the pedagogical way to follow from dependency through adulthood, to maturity, and then to the exit. And how to do it. And then how to relate to this society, and how to relate this society to the world of nature and the cosmos. That’s what the myths have all talked about, that’s what the new myth has got to talk about. But the society that it’s got to talk about is the society of the planet, and until that gets going, you don’t have anything.
— Joseph Campbell
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Inspired by ancient prophecies, esoteric teachings, and indigenous traditions, THE MEDICINE GATE presents an alternative to the apocalyptic memes dominating our world, offering a new creation myth during this time of unprecedented upheaval and radical transformation.

Science fiction meets science fact in this deeply insightful hero’s journey, one that encompasses a graphic novel series, VR video game, board game, and multiple web apps. These cross pollinating multiuser platforms unite players and audiences in keeping with the HOPEPUNK movement, where we join together in defense of planet Earth by changing the narrative messages we’re choosing to tell.

“Hopepunk says that genuinely and sincerely caring about something, anything, requires bravery and strength. Hopepunk isn’t ever about submission or acceptance: It’s about standing up and fighting for what you believe in. It’s about standing up for other people. It’s about DEMANDING a better, kinder world, and truly believing that we can get there if we care about each other as hard as we possibly can, with every drop of power in our little hearts.” ~ Alexandra Rowland

The graphic novel series

As increasing chaos, species extinction, and climate crisis ravages our planet at an accelerated pace, humankind faces a yet greater challenge when mysterious DNA mutations cause a pandemic that claims millions of lives. This prescient story follows Michael and Sara, a PTSD stricken soldier and his young niece, widowed and orphaned respectively during the mutations. Three years later, after all remaining survivors receive microchip implants to halt this fatal affliction, the world eagerly awaits the activation of the Lattice, an alternative energy network that will power the world and feed humanity by transmitting solar light through the microchips. 

When the corporation that designed the Lattice kidnaps Sara, an implant-free alliance known as the Gatekeepers enlist Michael to help them rescue her. After finding out Sara carries a set of genetic codes the corporation needs to activate the Lattice — and the Gatekeepers need to override the microchips — Michael learns that everyone who allegedly died during the mutations, including his wife and son, actually initiated Earth’s natural evolution into the Multiverse. Because the microchips blocked everyone else from mutating, they’re stranded in a void between this universe and the Multiverse. Meanwhile, the real purpose of the Lattice is far more diabolical than anyone realizes.

Under relentless pursuit by the corporation, Michael undertakes on the arduous task of reconciling his trauma and mastering his multidimensional abilities — essential steps before he can traverse the Medicine Gate, navigate the labyrinth of Earth’s traumatic memories, and teleport Sara to the one place on the planet where she can override the microchips before the Lattice activates. If he fails, humankind will be rendered extinct.


Board Game

The Medicine Gate board game can be described as an ENTELECHY: an ordered pattern of light that directs an organism toward the fulfillment of its own nature. This multidimensional gateway guides players toward their inherent wholeness, or what Jung calls the Self — the unification of our consciousness and unconsciousness, representing the human psyche as a whole.

Progressing through seven levels, each with seventeen positions, players embark on their own hero’s journey wherein they activate universal archetypes, integrate ancient wisdom, and reveal magical synchronicities. As we expand our awareness of ourselves, we directly participate in the evolution of humankind, and that of the world around us.

The board game is currently in preparation for manufacture.


The medicine gate App

An interactive app version of The Medicine Gate board game that enables users to participate in a journey through The Medicine Gate with other users from around the world. As a means to activate our innate passion and inspiration for knowing thyself, users discover new and exciting aspects of themselves in an environment that allows them to integrate and share this creative inspiration with the Medicine Gate community, allowing us to learn and grow together as we witness and support one another on this healing journey of Self-discovery.

The interactive app version of THE MEDICINE GATE® is currently in development.




video game

A VR enabled multi-user platform takes players on an epic journey through the Multiverse, where alliances must be formed with other players from around the world, on a boundless navigation of infinite universes. As individual players traverse the seventeen levels of The Medicine Gate, they will be rewarded for their extreme effort with a series of personal totems, animal allies, and multidimensional abilities. This point of entry enables players to better understand the nature of spirit and nature in the Multiverse, and the immediate need to facilitate cooperation and collaboration with players from around the world. These global alliances must defend Earth from endless alien universes that will stop at nothing to eliminate Earth from its rightful place in the Multiverse.

Partnership agreements with designers and developers are currently underway, with heightened interest among industry leaders eager to create new ways to make a deep and lasting impact on the world around us.

“As for the future, your task is not to see it, but to enable it.”

— Antoine de Saint Exupéry