About the authors…

Destiny has a funny way of coloring our lives and aligning our stars with invitations when least we expect them. When Mac and Ryan crossed paths in the spring of 2005, a spirited conversation about nagas, the collective unconscious, and ancient crystal skulls quickly evolved into a creative collaboration that gave birth to the prophetic sci fi franchise The Medicine Gate. With their combined forty plus years of esoteric, anthropological and cosmological studies, Mac and Ryan found in one another a synthesis of shared interests and a penchant for meme alchemy. 

Inspired by the board game version of The Medicine Gate that Mac created ten years earlier, and based on a short story written by Ryan just weeks before they met, their collaboration began while traveling through India. Residing in Muir Beach, CA for three years, they wrote, and rewrote, and rewrote, and rewrote this trilogy until finally, one day, thank the heavens, it came together. Incorporating teachings, lineages and traditions from around the world, The Medicine Gate is their humble attempt to connect the dots and and plant seeds of possibility into the hearts and minds of a world in need of a new myth. Thank you for your participation and support in bringing this vision into being. For all our relations. 

Ryan and Mac in Bukkapatnam, India, 2005

Ryan and Mac in Bukkapatnam, India, 2005